Video playback speed
Hello! the video playback speed only has options for 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2x speeds. There is also no feature to add additional speeds. It would be great if a function could be developed that allows users to add their desired speed for each system.
Audio sideloading
Hi I would like to sideload an additional audio for an existing media asset. As far as I know there is no official support for this, are there any workaround for our current problem?
Adding the ability to use a webhook for job completion notification
With the discontinuation of Azure Media Services and the migration to MK.IO, one feature AMS had, and Bitmovin does have, is the ability to specify a webhook for when the job is complete. This is just a url to call when the job is complete as opposed
mp3 comes with a MJPEG image
Request to support mp3 with a cover image as MJPEG
Create Job API supports 'start' and 'end' subparameters and 'JobInputSequence' type.
I want to editing videos on MK/IO such as following case (triming, combining videos). So, regarding the Create Job API,
Subtitles update/removal
Hello, thank you for the recent ability to add a subtitle using a transform. However it would be good to be able to replace/delete a subtitle that has been added. At the moment if I attempt to add the subtitle again to overwrite it, I get multiple subtitles
Support for WebM
We have a use case where we support users in chrome recording and uploading video. Chrome only offers webm support. We were hoping to use the video encoding solution to standardize all the uploads into MP4. Ask is for MK/IO to support WebM container with
Live stream event with Flutter
Hi, I am developing a flutter application that takes direct from this platform, I have reviewed the libraries available within and the most optimal one I have found so far is apivideo_live_stream, but this library is not compatible with MKIO audio
Include unsupported codec in job error message
Hi When a video is sent with an unsupported codec, you are creating a job with an error: "The capture encountered an unsupported codec error" Can you include in the message which codec has the file ?
Functionality of "endTime" Parameter in Streaming Locators
We have recently migrated from AMS (Azure Media Service) to MKIO. We noticed that the Streaming Locators in MKIO include an "endTime" parameter. However, we have noticed that this parameter is currently non-functional from MKIO support. Even after surpassing
VOD Encoding filenames
Currently when running a VOD encoding against a storage account asset and file, the output in the new asset is always "manifest.ism". Is there an option to specify the output filename or for the job just to use the existing filename up to the extension
Link to API User ID and Token page
Hello, The user ID and token page for using the API must be entered in the URL field of the browser each time. Can you please make check the UserID and Token for API available on the dashboard or add a link to
Token Expiration/Cancelation
It would be more convenient to be able to define token expiration because a token would be used in an app, and we would like to replace it only when it is compromised, which we would like to cancel that token as well.
Enabling custom domain feature for CDN enabled streaming endpoint.
Hello, In our project, previously we used Azure Media Service where CDN is enabled with custom domain. Since AMS is retiring, we moved to Media Kind. But in Media Kind, when CDN is enabled, creating custom domain for the cdn streaming endpoint is not
Streaming Locators for files in asset blob container
When Prefefined_DownloadAndClearStreaming policy or Prefefined_DownloadOnly policy is used the streaming locators for files other than hls and dash be available similar to how current AMS allows.
Ability to NOT Upscale source video multiple levels - match, downscale, or upscale to nearest matching resolution in preset
On our platform we get a variety of source video submissions - 1080p, 720p, 480p, sometimes even 360p and obviously resolutions in between. Currently when we submit a job to Mediakind via a preset (H264MultipleBitrateSport1080p (Foundations)) - if the
Event Grid Web Hooks like Azure Media Services
Hello all, An idea I have for MK.IO is to expose an API to create and run web hooks after jobs have been completed or errored. We are one of the few "Azure Media Services (AMS) refugees", and our work flow heavily depends on AMS's web hooks following
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