How to get and manage the API token.
Hi, I was able to get the API token manually by referring to the following URL However, this is a per-user token, which would be complicated to manage. Is there another
How to encode a video and strip the audio using MK/IO api?
I need to strip the audio and generate the output as a muted video only. Any help would be appreciated.
Recommendations on Mirroring content to different region?
I want to mirror assets, locators, and content keys from one primary azure region to another secondary azure region? I would expect to have a separate azure storage and instance in each region What are best approaches to this utilizing
When Predefined_DownloadAndClearStreaming and Predefined_DownloadOnly will be ready?
Hi We require the Predefined_DownloadAndClearStreaming and Predefined_DownloadOnly streaming policies to facilitate the migration of our assets (including thumbnails and .vtt files) from Azure to MK. I’m curious about the availability timeline for these
Volume track/slider for MKPlayer
Please add ability to show/hide the volume slider for MKPlayer, so end user can control the volume level. Now only mute/unmute button is available.
Encoding: AdaptiveStreaming
I do not see any AdaptiveStreaming as an encoder preset like I do in Azure Media Services. Will this be available?
Locators Failing to Get
A small portion of the streaming locators we have created have gotten into a strange state. When we call a GET for those locators we get a 500 internal error. But if we try to create the locator again it returns that the locator is already created. I
I am able to get the video playing on Chrome Browser (on PC) but when accessed on iPhone, I get the following error message. See screenshot below.  Any suggestions?
How to show to recommendation videos when to finish target video ?
I will be show recommend (or Relation) movies when to target movie. However, I can't find out that API ( or how to method ) Basically, I could show video, and control that.
Encoding for H.265 8k 30 FPS video
Hello, are there any plans for allowing encoding for H.265 8k 30 FPS video with MK/IO? Thanks
A Space to Request Feature and Share Ideas!
Not finding the feature in the documentation? Click to view product documentation. Or on our roadmap? Click to view the roadmap. Then let us know! Create a new topic or upvote an existing request. Help define the future of MK.IO! Select the button on
Is it possible to provide libraries for systems developed in the Java language?
AMS provided the following library (azure-resourcemanager-mediaservices-1.1.0-beta.2.jar). Is it possible for MK/IO to also provide the library?
Request Vue sample code for MKPlayer
The front-end of the system is using vue.js, is it possible to provide a sample code of vue with MKPlayer?
AMS to MK/IO migration video
Hi, I would like to share that I created a video than explains how to migrate assets from Azure Media Services to MK/IO. - Xavier
How long can the Bulk process migration from AMS take?
I have around 12000 assets to migrate from AMS using Bulk migration so I want to know if this process can take days.
Video Analytics
Hello! Will you offer video analytics, mostly for content moderation, like AMS? Will there be any integration with Azure AI Video Analytics? Also, any update on working with the EventGrid? Thank you, Rob
Create streaming endpoints for migrated assets via Bulk migration
Hi there, the Bulk asset migration from AMS storage documentation says that after completing the migration I have to create streaming endpoints for all my migrated assets. Does it mean that I need to do it for each asset?
Job Quota
I am receiving the following error when trying to create more jobs: "Quota exceeded Active Job count 2" There are already two jobs processing but the quota wasn't expected, instead, I expected queuing. I have searched through the documentation and I can't
Security risk difference between streaming endpoint shared and dedicated
Is there security risk difference between streaming endpoint shared and dedicated ? I'm wondering about [shared] have a risk of be stolen data because of node sharing
Request for Activating my Subscription
Dear Whom It May Concern My Name is Ryota Nakajima and We're concern to subscribe Media Kind IO with Azure environment. for verifying, Could you approve my account? I hope that you will approve as soon as possible because release date has decided and
I am looking to migrate our existing encoding workflows written in .NET for AMS with the Azure SDK to MK/IO. I believe there aren't any internal plans to develop an SDK but I have some questions related to this (I apologize, there are actually multiple).
404 responses for newly migrated assets
I'm trialing MKIO to migrate over from AMS and having some problems migrating over assets. Any migrated assets seem to return back a 404 with out_of_bounds listed in the response. See the below URL for an example I created via the web portal. I'm not
Asset Name doesn't support spaces in the path
I am trying to copy over assets from AMS using the same asset names we used. It seems that MK I/O API does not support spaces, like AMS. Instead, it throws a 404 response. I have tried URL path encoding (replacing space with %20) and this doesn't resolve
API Swagger
Is there a swagger page available for us to use code gen?
Inquiry on Integrating Azure AD Token for MediaKind Authentication
Dear Support Team, I am seeking guidance on the integration of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tokens for authenticating users in MediaKind. In my current scenario, I have a React application employing Azure AD for user authentication. However, I’m
MKPlayer React TypeScript Sample
I'm looking for sample code for MKPlayer React TypeScript. Is there documentation somewhere?
Job Output Container Name
When using the API to create a job, is there any way to specify the output storage container name? And if not, how do you discover the container name since it is not returned in the job create response.
How to use Mediakind API
Hello, I would like to know how to use the Mediakind API. I am referring to the API reference page, but the destination is "". How do I create a URL to use the API? Do I need a token for authentication?
AMS Parity SDK
The MK/IO marketing suggests that current encoding and streaming workflows developed against the AMS V3 SDK will basically only need URL changes. However I am not seeing this parity yet in MK/IO. Can you give me a timeline for when this AMS like SDK will
Encoding Transform Presets
It would be helpful to know the configuration of the current encoding transform presets. For me, I specifically need the H264MultipleBitrate1080p to assess it against our needs. Thank you!
Asset migration via portal
My company has a portion of their streaming AMS assets in subfolders under a parent blob container i.e. ams1videostash_container/asset-0019d3ce-3166-4947-9d17-132e4a9752b3 When I attempt to migrate the asset via the "Migrate Asset" button I get this error:
About Storage Account API URL Values
I want to use Storage Account API. However, I don't know the values of "customer_id" and "subscription_id" on API Reference page. What pages do I have
Support for onboarding
Hi team, I have few questions, please find them below. Please provide an end-to-end workflow with what API to be used at each step. List of regions the Product is currently available and any road map to the deployment to all other azure regions. Any ETA
MK.IO in the Market Place
Head on over to Azure Market place to sign up for MK.IO!
Bulk Migration Script
I am checking in on the migration script to bring in all assets from an existing AMS in bulk. I was told this was in progress and just want to find out the status. Thank you, Justin
CDN Support
We are currently using the premium CDN with our streaming endpoints all managed through the AMS portal including CDN access rules and token authentication. As part of your AMS parity plan, do you intend to provide the same feature?
There does not appear to be an API to manage encoding workflows. The AMS concepts listed in the documentation is clear but i do not see a way to programmatically create Transforms and submit jobs or publish Assets. Is this something that is coming later.
AMS Transition
Hi, My assets (videos and images) are in Azure Storage. Do we need to reupload the assets with MK APIs? If we can reuse the assets, would it be possible to just map the existing streaming URLs to new URLs. Thanks
Which (kind of) account should make the subscription to MK/IO in the Azure Marketplace
I have a concern about which account should make the subscription to your service in the Azure Marketplace. In my case, I have my own Azure Account, but my role is a developer, per this instruction Migrate your Azure Media Services assets (
What is MK.IO?
MK.IO is a high-performance, API-driven video infrastructure, ideal for building modern video applications and running streaming media services. Our focus is to help you deliver great video to your viewers, make your operations and processes more efficient,