Ability to NOT Upscale source video multiple levels - match, downscale, or upscale to nearest matching resolution in preset
On our platform we get a variety of source video submissions - 1080p, 720p, 480p, sometimes even 360p and obviously resolutions in between.
Currently when we submit a job to Mediakind via a preset (H264MultipleBitrateSport1080p (Foundations)) - if the source video is say 480p - upscaled encodes will occur with a 720p, 1080p version added in.
These don't offer any visual benefit and add to the encoding time *significantly* and add to customer bandwidth consumption needlessly as a person watching a 1080p video that is upscaled from 480p at 6mbps is the roughly same experience as watching 432p @ 1.2mbps or upscaled to nearest preset resolution of 540p @ 2.5mbps
When you submit a 4k video on this preset - it downscales to 1080p. We would like the same flexibility, as Azure offered, to configure to downscale/upscale to the nearest resolution upon submitted encode jobs.
Thus a 480p file submission would either downscale or upscale to the NEAREST resolution in the preset ladder (if 480p not part of the encoding ladder). A 720p file would not create a 1080p additional encode etc as it directly matches a resolution in the preset.
Have an idea for a feature? Request a feature or an idea!