Event Grid Web Hooks like Azure Media Services

Event Grid Web Hooks like Azure Media Services

Hello all,

An idea I have for MK.IO is to expose an API to create and run web hooks after jobs have been completed or errored.

We are one of the few "Azure Media Services (AMS) refugees", and our work flow heavily depends on AMS's web hooks following completion of a transform job. We like the API of MK.IO because, for the most part, it is around 80% 1:1 with AMS. However, we were blindsided by the lack of an Event Grid subscription-based service following events in the Jobs API of MK.IO.

Our solution right now is to mimic the behavior by running a poll on running Job instances, and whenever finished, run our logic that the web hook would've triggered.

The problem with this solution is that it is rather heavy on both sides of the coin. We will have to call the Jobs API every x minute or so. That adds overhead on our backend as well as MK.IO because we are doing a poll as opposed to merely listening to an API call. It is much more fragile solution, but we have to switch over before July 2024. Event Grid Subscription is also not on the roadmap right now.

The migration is not as seamless as advertised, and it should be called out. This should be in the migration overview: https://docs.mk.io/docs/migrating-from-ams#seamless-transition-uncompromised-performance

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