We are building an iOS app (with AVPlayer) that deals with playing DRM encrypted files and I'm using MediaKind as my content provider. I'm able to play my HLS files only on the MKPlayer.
We experience the following whenever we try to use the URLs (hlsUrl, licenseUrl, certificateUrl) gotten from MediaKind with Apple's AVPlayer:
We get "There was a problem providing access to protected content" error when we try on JWPlayer (https://developer-tools.jwplayer.com/stream-tester).
(1) Data(contentsOf: URL(string: certificateUrl))
(2) Data(contentsOf: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "certificate", withExtension: "cer"))
But if we use the details from this sample project (https://github.com/cloud-video-kit/avplayer-ios-samples/blob/main/DRMPlaybackSwiftUI/DRMPlaybackSwiftUI/Controllers/PlayerViewController.swift), we're able to play the encrypted sample file provided here with AVPlayer and also on JWPlayer