AMS vs MK/IO comparison

Comparison list between AMS vs MK/IO for container, video codec and audio codec

Please find the comparison list between AMS vs MK/IO for the supported container, video codec and audio codec:

TypeAMSAvailable in MK.IO
ContainerFLV (with H.264 and AAC codecs) (.flv)Yes
ContainerMXF (.mxf)Yes
ContainerGXF (.gxf)No
ContainerMPEG2-PS, MPEG2-TS (.ts, .ps, .mpg)Yes
Container3GP (.3gp, .3gpp)Yes
ContainerWindows Media Video (WMV)/ASF (.wmv, .asf)No
ContainerAVI (Uncompressed 8bit/10bit) (.avi)No
ContainerMP4 (.mp4, .m4a, .m4v)Yes
ContainerISMV (.isma, .ismv)No
ContainerMicrosoft Digital Video Recording(DVR-MS) (.dvr-ms)No
ContainerMatroska MKV(.mkv)Yes
ContainerMatroska WebM (.webm)No
ContainerWAVE/WAV (.wav)No
ContainerQuickTime (.mov)Yes
VideoAVC 8-bit/10-bit, up to 4:2:2, including AVCIntra
8 bit 4:2:0 and 4:2:2
VideoSony XAVC / XAVC S (in MXF container)Yes
VideoAvid DNxHD (in MXF container)No
VideoDVCPro/DVCProHD (in MXF container)Yes
VideoDigital video (DV) (in AVI files)Yes
VideoJPEG 2000Yes
VideoMPEG-2 (up to 422 Profile and High Level; including variants such as Sony XDCAM, Sony XDCAM HD, Sony XDCAM IMX, CableLabs®, and D10)
Up to 422 Profile
VideoCanopus HQ/HQXNo
VideoMPEG-4 Part 2No
VideoYUV420 uncompressed, or mezzanineNo
VideoApple ProRes 422Yes
VideoApple ProRes 422 LTYes
VideoApple ProRes 422 HQYes
VideoApple ProRes ProxyNo
VideoApple ProRes 4444Yes
VideoApple ProRes 4444 XQYes
VideoHEVC/H.265 Main ProfileYes
AudioAAC (AAC-LC, AAC-HE, and AAC-HEv2; up to 5.1)Yes
AudioMPEG Layer 2Yes
AudioMP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3)Passthrough
AudioWindows Media AudioNo
AudioAMR (adaptive multi-rate)No
AudioAES (SMPTE 331M and 302M, AES3-2003)Yes
AudioDolby® EPassthrough
AudioDolby® Digital (AC3)Yes
AudioDolby® Digital Plus (E-AC3)Yes

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