HAR file generation

Generating HTTP Archive format (HAR) file for browser network requests troubleshooting

This article explains how to generate HAR file from developer tools of major browsers for troubleshooting network requests.

A HAR file includes users browser history with contents of cookies, downloaded pages, personal data, passwords and other sensitive data which is generated while recording network traffic. Please manage the HAR files accordingly.

Below are the instructions to generate a HAR file and console logs in the 4 major browsers that are commonly used.

Generate a HAR file in Chrome
  1. Open Chrome and go to the page having issues in MK.IO portal.
  2. For example, there is some issue in playback or content load in MK.IO portal so right click anywhere on the page and select Inspect as shown in snapshot below.

3. A new panel will open up, from that, select the Network tab.

4. Search for a red round record button in the upper left corner. If it is grey, click the button once to start recording. It will turn red once it starts recording, Tick on the box Preserve log. Also click the clear button to flush any existing logs from the network tab.

5. Reproduce the issue while the network logs are recorded.
6. Click on the same round red button with a square in it, to stop recording network log.

7. After the recoding button has turned grey, click the download button (down arrow), Export HAR, to download, or right click to save the file to your computer: Save all as HAR with Content. Both will perform same task.

For any issues generating this file, see this article from Google's Help Center: Capture web session traffic.

Generate a HAR file in Edge
  1. Open Edge and go to the page having issues in MK.IO portal.
  2. For example, there is some issue in playback or content load in MK.IO portal so right click anywhere on the page and select Inspect as shown in snapshot below.

3. A new panel will open up, from that, select the Network option from below list.


4. Search for a red round record button in the upper left corner. If it is grey, click the button once to start recording. It will turn red once it starts recording, Tick on the box Preserve log. Also click the clear button to flush any existing logs from the network tab

5. Reproduce the issue while the network logs are recorded.
6. Click on the same round red button with a square in it, to stop recording network log.

7. After the recoding button has turned grey, click the download button (down arrow), Export HAR, to download, or right click to save the file to your computer: Save all as HAR with Content. Both will perform same task.

Generate a HAR file in Firefox

1. Open Firefox, and go to the MK.IO portal page having issues.
2. For example, there is some issue in playback or content load in MK.IO portal so right click anywhere on the page and select Inspect as shown in snapshot below.

3. A new panel will open up, from that, select the Network tab. Click on Play/Pause button as highlighted below to start/stop recording. Also click on the spiked circle and select Persist Logs.

4. Reproduce the issue (while recording) and after reproducing the issue click on Save All as HAR (as shown in above snapshot) which will create HAR file and download and save it to on local machine.

Generate a HAR file in Safari
  1. Open Safari and go to the Develop menu. If you don't see the Develop menu, follow the instructions in this article from the Safari User Guide:  Use the developer tools in the Develop menu in Safari on Mac.
  2. Select Show Web Inspector.
  3. Click the Network tab.
  4. Reproduce the issue while the network requests are recorded.
  5. Click the Export icon and save the HAR file.
For any issues generating a HAR file in Safari, see this article from Safari Developer website:  Web Inspector.

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