In this article, we will describe the steps to follow when you need to add the storage account, hosting all your AMS assets, in MK.IO.
2 main steps will happen:
1. Get your Storage Account access information:
At the end of this step you will have your:
a. Storage Account URL: https://<storage-name>
b. SAS token: ?sv=& [...] &sig=signature>
2. Add Storage Account in MK.IO:
Once logged in your MK.IO account, navigate on the left panel to Storage Accounts.
Once here, click on the top right button: Add Storage Account
A new panel slides from the right and here is the info that needs to be provided:
Name: make sure the name of this storage account is the same name of your storage account in Azure, from the Storage Account URL from point 1 above (i.e. if your Storage Account URL is, use
companyname on this field.)
b. Description: this field is optional, you can add some short description that will be visible later in Storage Accounts section of MK.IO.
c. SAS token: use the SAS token collected on first step of this article following this format: ?sv=& [...] &sig=signature>
Finally click on Submit (at the bottom) and your storage account will be added to your MK.IO account.