In this article we will describe in detail the process to migrate all your assets, asset filters, streaming locators, content key policies, streaming endpoints from AMS into MK.IO. The idea is that if today you have a playback URL in the following ...
Intro Currently, MK.IO solution supports only MediaKind's DRM solution as the unique provider of DRM encryption keys. External 3PP Key Management System solutions will be considered. In MK.IO there are the following groups of encryptions: 1. ...
In this article, we will describe the steps to follow when you need to add the storage account, hosting all your AMS assets, in MK.IO. 2 main steps will happen: 1. Get your Storage Account access information: Follow the Step1 instructions of this ...
You have created a storage account in MK/IO by linking your Azure blob storage, linked a container and processed assets. However once the SAS token expires to the storage account, these assets will not be accessible until you edit/update the Storage ...